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Mud Tools
Flexible Ribs Stainless Ribs Mud Cutter Wiretool
Flexible Ribs Stainless Ribs Wiretools
Shredders  Mudtool Sponges  Mudtools Bumps 
Shredders  Sponges Bumps
Bull's Tongue
Mudtools DEX Tools Mudtools Essentials Kit
Trimming & Carving Dex Tools Essentials Kit

Mudtools Polymer Ribs

The rib was one of the first tools that Michael started making for himself and then shared with others. A rib is one of the most basic and frequently used tools in clay. Because it acts as an extension of the potter’s own hand, it should function well and be a joy to use. Mudtool ribs are made from a flexible material that is considered the “stainless steel” of plastics. Unlike rubber, this material will not develop burrs or cracks. In fact, these ribs will burnish themselves as you use them, so, the more you use them the nicer they become.

Available in six shapes, these ribs cover a lot of what hand builders and throwers need from a rib. Each rib shape is available in four degrees of hardness; from very soft to very firm. You choose the shape and hardness that suits your clay and your working style.
Very Soft Very Soft Soft Flex Soft Flex Medium Flex Medium Flex Firm Flex Firm Flex
Great for compressing slabs, burnishing rims, chamois, and handbuilding. Perfect for smoothing, burnishing, porcelain, throwing, and handbuilding. Great for compressing bottoms, burnishing, trim marks, throwing, and handbuilding. Still Flexible but Stiffer. Great for high burnish and throwing large work.

Shape Description Code  
Shape 0 Polymer Rib - 2.75" x 1.44"
Mudtools Shape 0 Polymer Ribs Very Soft Rib SMTR0 Buy Now
Soft Flex Rib SMTY0 Buy Now
Medium Flex Rib SMTC0 Buy Now
Firm Flex Rib SMTB0 Buy Now
Shape 1 Polymer Rib - 3.5" x 1.75"
Mudtools Shape 1 Polymer Ribs Very Soft Rib SMTR1 Buy Now
Soft Flex Rib SMTY1 Buy Now
Medium Flex Rib SMTC1 Buy Now
Firm Flex Rib SMTB1 Buy Now
Shape 2 Polymer Rib - 2.88" x 2.5"
Mudtools Shape 2 Polymer Ribs Very Soft Rib SMTR2 Buy Now
Soft Flex Rib SMTY2 Buy Now
Medium Flex Rib SMTC2 Buy Now
Firm Flex Rib SMTB2 Buy Now
Shape 3 Polymer Rib - 5" x 1.94"
Mudtools Shape 3 Polymer Rib Very Soft Rib SMTR3 Buy Now
Soft Flex Rib SMTY3 Buy Now
Medium Flex Rib SMTC3 Buy Now
Firm Flex Rib SMTB3 Buy Now
Shape 4 Polymer Rib - 4.19" x 2"
Mudtools Shape 4 Polymer Ribs Very Soft Rib SMTR4 Buy Now
Soft Flex Rib SMTY4 Buy Now
Medium Flex Rib SMTC4 Buy Now
Firm Flex Rib SMTB4 Buy Now
Shape 5 Polymer Rib - 4.19" x 2"
Mudtools Shape 5 Polymer Ribs Very Soft Rib SMTR5 Buy Now
Soft Flex Rib SMTY5 Buy Now
Medium Flex Rib SMTC5 Buy Now
Firm Flex Rib SMTB5 Buy Now
Small Bowl Rib - 4.75" x 2.875"
Mudtools Small Bowl Rib Very Soft Rib SMTBR Buy Now
Soft Flex Rib SMTBY Buy Now
Medium Flex Rib SMTBG Buy Now
Firm Flex Rib SMTBB Buy Now
Large Bowl Rib - 6.5" x 3.5"
Mudtools Large Bowl Rib      
Soft Flex Rib SMTLBY Buy Now
Medium Flex Rib SMTLBG Buy Now
Small Platter Rib - 7.5" x 2.75"
Mudtools Small Platter Ribs Black Extra Firm SMTSPB Buy Now
Green Medium Firm SMTSPG Buy Now
Large Platter - 11.5" x 1.75"
Mudtools Large Platter Ribs Black Extra Firm SMTLPB Buy Now
Green Medium Firm SMTLPG Buy Now

Mudtools Stainless Ribs

Love texture? We do! For years Michael has altered his metal ribs to create interesting surfaces. These Drawing Ribs are made out of cutlery grade stainless steel. This leaf shape is a perfect fit for your finger tips and the sharp tip is great for getting in to close corners. Think of it like a pen nib.
Bean Drawing Stainless Rib
Smooth Bean Edge 0 - Smooth SMTDB0 Buy Now
Organic Bean Edge 1 - Organic SMTDB1 Buy Now
Wave Bean Edge 2 - Wave SMTDB2 Buy Now
Angle Bean Edge 3 - Angle SMTDB3 Buy Now
Angle Bean Edge 4 - Tight Wave SMTDB4 Buy Now
Leaf Drawing Stainless Rib
Smooth Leaf Edge 0 - Smooth SMTDL0 Buy Now
Organic Leaf Edge 1 - Organic SMTDL1 Buy Now
Wave Leaf Edge 2 - Wave SMTDL2 Buy Now
Angle Leaf Edge 3 - Angle SMTDL3 Buy Now
Angle Leaf Edge 4 - Tight Angle SMTDL4 Buy Now
Pebble Drawing Stainless Rib
Smooth Pebble Edge 0 - Smooth SMTDP0 Buy Now
Organic Pebble Edge 1 - Organic SMTDP1 Buy Now
Wave Pebble Edge 2 - Wave SMTDP2 Buy Now
Angle Pebble Edge 3 - Angle SMTDP3 Buy Now
Angle Pebble Edge 4 - Tight Wave SMTDP4 Buy Now

Mudtools Wiretools

Love texture? We do! For years Michael has altered his metal ribs to create interesting surfaces. These Drawing Ribs are made out of cutlery grade stainless steel. This leaf shape is a perfect fit for your finger tips and the sharp tip is great for getting in to close corners. Think of it like a pen nib.
Standard Green MudWire Standard Green MudWire SMTMWG Buy Now
MudCutter Wire Tool MudCutter Wire Tool SMTMC Buy Now
MudCutter Replacement Wire MudCutter Straight Replacement Wires (set of 3) SMTMCR Buy Now
Mudtools Carving Bow Wire Cutter Carving Bow SMTCB Buy Now
Carving Bow Replacement Wiggle Wires (Set of 3) Carving Bow Replacement Wiggle Wires (set of 3) SMTMCR Buy Now

Mudtools Shredders

The Mudtools Shredder is an indispensable tool for shaping and carving leather hard clay. For years you could find a tool like this at the hardware store. This rasp was designed to be used on wood. Clay people, sculptors and auto-body repairmen discovered how well the blade worked on other materials (like clay and auto body filler). The problem was the handle design. The handle would trap clay and get clogged up. Michael designed a new open blade shape as well as a comfortable ergonomic grip. It functions well, doesn’t trap the waste clay in the tool and doesn’t frustrate the user. An added benefit is the tool mark, it leaves a handsome textured surface in the clay.

The Conical Shredder – indispensable for longer strokes, good for texturing and working on rounded surfaces. The Flat Shredder – provides a flat plane.
Mudtools Shredder Small Shredder SMTSHRED Buy Now
Shredder Replacement Blades Small Shredder Replacement Blades SMTSHREDRB Buy Now
Conical Shredder Conical Shredder SMTSHREDCS Buy Now
Flat Shredder Flat Shredder SMTSHREDFS Buy Now

Mudtools Sponges

Natural sponges have been used by potters for years. However, the quality of natural sponges can be inconsistent. Because we aim to be conscious about the long term effects of the materials we use on our planet, Mudsponges are made of a biodegradable, environmentally friendly material that is incredibly durable.

Each Mudsponge is shipped compressed for economy of space - and for the fun of watching them expand when first dipped in water.
MudSponge MudSponge - The Blue Workhorse SMTMUDS Buy Now
Orange Sponge MudSponge - The Orange Absorbent SMTMUDSO Buy Now
Finishing Sponge MudSponge - The White Finishing SMTFINS Buy Now

Mudtools Bumps

Have you ever made a hollow form and then tried to bump out the clay, only to find that you just can’t get your arm or your knuckle to the sweet spot? You need The Bump! The Bump is designed to extend the potter’s reach up to 18 inches when working in a hollow form: giving you the leverage you need to bump out the clay. The aluminum rod is stiff but can be altered to suit your individual need for throwing or sculpting clay. We can ship it to you straight and you customize it similar to the S curve. (See photos below.) The sponge end is a dense absorbable material with a hard center.
Mudtools Bump The Bump SMTBUMP Buy Now
Mudtools Baby Bump The Baby Bump SMTBBUMP Buy Now

Mudtools Trimming & Carving Tools

Mudtools Mudshark MudShark SMTMS Buy Now
FANG Small Stainless Steel Scoring Tools FANG Small Scoring Tool SMTFANGS Buy Now
FANG Large Stainless Steel Scoring Tools Fang Large Scoring Tool SMTFANGL Buy Now
Mudtools Dragtool Original Wide Mouth Dragtool Wide U Mouth SMTDRAG Buy Now
Drag Tool Tight U Shaped Mouth Dragtool Tight U Mouth SMTDRAGU Buy Now
Drag Tool V Shaped Mouth Dragtool V Mouth SMTDRAGV Buy Now
Bulls Tongue Bulls Tounge SMTBULLS Buy Now
Do•All Do•All Trim Tool SMTDA Buy Now

Mudtools Dex Tools

Meet the newest addition, the DEX Tool, available in 5 styles. Crafted from stainless steel and thoughtfully weighted, the DEX is a versatile stylus tool designed to seamlessly integrate with your artistic process. Styles 1-3 excel in Sgraffito, Mishima, and signing your work, while Styles 4 & 5 are form tools ideal for drawing and surface alteration, such as embellishing a small tea bowl.

All DEX Tools are 7.25" long, Diameters are below:

1 (3/16), #2 (1/4"), #3 (5/16"), #4 (3/8"), #5 (3/8")
Mudtools Dex Tool #1 Dex Tool #1 SMTDEX1 Buy Now
Mudtools Dex Tool #2 Dex Tool #2 SMTDEX2 Buy Now
Mudtools Dex Tool #3 Dex Tool #3 SMTDEX3 Buy Now
Mudtools Dex Tool #4 Dex Tool #4 SMTDEX4 Buy Now
Mudtools Dex Tool #5 Dex Tool #5 SMTDEX5 Buy Now

Essentials Starter Kit

So many Mudtools! Where does a new potter start? You have asked us which tools we recommend to start with and we’ve compiled our solution: The Mudtools Essentials. The clay heads at Mudtools have gathered together what we feel are the indispensable basics:
  • •  3 Polymer Ribs: R1, Y2, G4
  • •  1 Mudshark
  • •  1 Green Standard Cut-off wire
  • •  1 Stainless Long Scraper Rib (12 teeth)
  • •  1 Small Shredder
  • •  1 Do•All Trim Tool
  • •  1 Mudsponge –  Blue Workhorse
  • All neatly boxed up for you!
    Perfect for schools, workshops or anyone new to Mudtools!
Starter Kit Starter Kit SMTSTART Buy Now