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Dirty Girls Tools

Dirty Girls Tools
Dirty Girls Wire Clay Cutters
Wire Clay Cutters
Faceting Tools  Wood Tools 
Faceting Tools Wood Tools
Wood Ribs  Bevel Tool 
Wood Ribs Bevel Tool
Scoring Tool Great White Rollers
Scoring Tool Great White Rollers
Bat System
Bat Insert Systems

Slab Bevel Tool

This is the ultimate handbuilding tool. You get 3 different angles with which you can bevel your slabs for construction. Place the tool flat on the table up against your slab and draw it along the slab to cut a perfect angle for construction. You get 30, 60, or 45 degree cuts. The taut wire never snags or causes drag or deformation on your slab. You can easily tighten or replace the wire too!
  Description Code  
Slab Bevel Tool Slab Bevel Tool DGBEVEL Buy Now

Handy Facet Tools

These beautiful functional tools offer just the right amount of tension to facet your moist or leather hard clay. You can adjust the tension on the side of the tool as well. Quick change replacement wire available as well.
Straight Handy Facet Tool Straight Handy Facet Tool DGHFS Buy Now
Wiggle Handy Facet Tool Wiggle Handy Facet Tool DGHFW Buy Now

Sling Shot Tools

This tool is very versatile! It is has a beveled wooden tool on one end and a faceting tool on the other! Wire tension is fully adjustable with knob on the side! Made of fine quality oiled hardwood, stainless steel wire and brass components.
Straight Sling Shot Tool Straight Sling Shot Tool DGSSS Buy Now
Wiggle Sling Shot Tool Wiggle Sling Shot Tool DGSSW Buy Now

Dirty Girl Ribs

The Tiny Bean Throwing Rib The Tiny Bean Throwing Rib DGBEAN Buy Now
The Big Bean Throwing Rib The Big Bean Throwing Rib DGBBEAN Buy Now
Foot Fetish Rib Foot Fetish Rib DGFOOT Buy Now
Rump Shaper RU1 Rib Rump Shaper RU1 Rib DGRSRU1 Buy Now
Rump Shaper RU2 Rib Rump Shaper RU2 Rib DGRSRU2 Buy Now
Rump Shaper RU3 Rib Rump Shaper RU3 Rib DGRSRU3 Buy Now
Rump Shaper RU4 Rib Rump Shaper RU4 Rib DGRSRU4 Buy Now
Rump Shaper RV1 Rib Rump Shaper RV1 Rib DGRSRV1 Buy Now
Rump Shaper RV2 Rib Rump Shaper RV2 Rib DGRSRV2 Buy Now
Rump Shaper RV3 Rib Rump Shaper RV3 Rib DGRSRV3 Buy Now
Rump Shaper RV4 Rib Rump Shaper RV4 Rib DGRSRV4 Buy Now
BigFoot Rib BigFoot Rib DGBIGFOOT Buy Now
Tongue Throwing Rib Tongue Throwing Rib DGTONGUE Buy Now
The 4 Way Rib 4 Way Rib DG4WAY Buy Now
Lip Service Rib Lip Service Rib DGLIP Buy Now

Great White Rollers

This tool is so wonderful! It is 10 inches long and will facet a slab or block of clay up to 8" wide! The white roller aides in regulating the depth of your cuts and is fully adjustable up or down for deeper or shallower cuts. Wire tension is fully adjustable with knob on the side! Made of fine quality oiled hardwood, stainless steel wire and brass components.
Straight Wire Great White Roller Straight Wire Great White Roller DGGWS Buy Now
Wiggle Wire Great White Roller Wiggle Wire Great White Roller DGGWW Buy Now

Snaggle Tooth Scoring Tool

This tool is great for scoring your ware prior to connecting 2 pieces of clay. It also creates a nice texture on slabs, and throw forms as well! The handle is made of fine hardwood (oak, maple, or cherry) and is large enough to be comfortable to hold for extended periods of time. Easier to find in your tool box and safer to grab than other serrated tools! Teeth will rust if left dirty or wet for extended periods, but performance will not be affected. Oil the teeth after cleaning if you like to deter rust.
Dirty Girls Snaggle Tooth Scoring Tool Snaggle Tooth Scoring Tool DGTOOTH Buy Now
Dirty Girls Mini Snaggle Tooth Scoring Tool Mini Snaggle Tooth Scoring Tool DGTOOTHM Buy Now

Dirty Girl Cut Off Wires

These stainless steel wire tools come in a variety of lengths and thicknesses. The comfort grip handles make it easier to simply slip your fingers through the loops and cut under your pots or facet your clay. No more wrangling a wire that is simply too long for small pots! Handmade in Kentucky, USA. Store your wiggle wires clean and dry to prevent slight rusting.
Dirty Girls 3.5" Ergo Thin Wire Cutter 3.5" Ergo Thin Wire Cutter DGET35 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 7" Ergo Thin Wire Cutter 7" Ergo Thin Wire Cutter DGET7 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 13" Ergo Thin Wire Cutter 13" Ergo Thin Wire Cutter DGET13 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 7" Ergo Max Wire Cutter 7" Ergo Max Wire Cutter DGEM7 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 13" Ergo Max Wire Cutter 13" Ergo Max Wire Cutter DGEM13 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 22" Ergo Max Wire Cutter 22" Ergo Max Wire Cutter DGEM22 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 9" Ergo Thin Wiggle Wire Cutter 9" Ergo Thin Wiggle Wire Cutter DGETW9 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 14" Ergo Thin Wiggle Wire Cutter 14" Ergo Thin Wiggle Wire Cutter DGETW14 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 9" Ergo Wide Wiggle Wire Cutter 9" Ergo Wide Wiggle Wire Cutter DGEWW9 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 14" Ergo Wide Wiggle Wire Cutter 14" Ergo Wide Wiggle Wire DGEWW14 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 9" Ergo Baby Wiggle Wire Cutter 9" Ergo Baby Wiggle Wire Cutter DGEBW9 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 14" Ergo Baby Wiggle Wire Cutter 14" Ergo Baby Wiggle Wire Cutter DGEBW14 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 14" Gap Tooth Wiggle Wire Cutter 14" Gap Tooth Wiggle Wire Cutter DGGTW14 Buy Now
Dirty Girls 18.5" Ergo Phat Wire Cutter 18.5" Ergo Phat Wire Cutter DGEP18 Buy Now

Dirty Girl Angled Wood Tools

Dirty Girl 45° Angled Comb 45° Angled Comb DGCOMB8A Buy Now
Dirty Girl 45° Straight Comb 45° Straight Comb DGCOMB8S Buy Now
Dirty Girl 45x60 Wood Tool 45x60 Wood Tool DGWT4560 Buy Now
Dirty Girl 45x45 Wood Tool 45x45 Wood Tool DGWT4545 Buy Now
60x30 Wood Tool 60x30 Wood Tool DGWT6030 Buy Now
Dirty Girl 45x45x45 Wood Tool 45x45x45 Wood Tool DGWT454545 Buy Now