Minnesota Clay Co. USA Safety Data & Material Safety Data Sheets

Minnesota Clay Co. USA has always been a leader in informing artists, teachers, and consumers about potential hazards involved in ceramics. For artists who want to use the same techniques and materials as the great masters, handling of hazardous materials is a necessity. We seek to identify risks, to help our customers find materials that are safe and appropriate. When they must use hazardous materials, we want our customers to be informed, so that they will handle those materials properly. MSDS Sheets

The Art and Creative Materials Institute (ACMI) is a non-profit trade association of art and craft materials manufacturers. Since 1940, ACMI has conducted a certification program in which product formulas are analyzed by a renowned toxicologist and certified by ACMI as non-toxic or properly labeled. ACMI certification also ensures compliance to state and federal labeling regulations.

Minnesota Clay Co. USA is concerned about your safety. We are members of ACMI and we feel it is important that our products are certified under the ACMI program. Products must bear the proper health and safety labeling to ensure that artists, hobbyists, and other consumers have lifelong health protection and safety information about the art materials they use.

AP SealProducts bearing the AP seal of the Art & Creative Materials Institute, Inc. (ACMI) are certified non-toxic. A medical expert evaluates each product and its ingredients. A product can be certified non-toxic only if it contains no materials in sufficient quantities to be toxic or injurious to humans, or to cause acute or chronic health problems. AP certification is reviewed by ACMI's Toxicological Advisory Board. These products are certified by ACMI to be labeled in accordance with the chronic hazard labeling standard, ASTM D-4236 and federal law P.L. 100-695.

Minnesota Clay Co. USA recommends that when you purchase art materials, particularly for classroom and institutional use, you should carefully consider the ultimate consumer. In cases where a product may be used in pre-school or primary school classes (K-6), or in environments with physically or mentally challenged persons who may be unable to read or understand safety labeling, you should purchase materials which are AP certified non-toxic products. This will ensure that even the most sensitive populations can safely enjoy art and craft activities.

CL SealProducts bearing the CL seal of the Art & Creative Materials Institute ("Caution Label") contain ingredients that are toxic or hazardous, but they can be used safely with appropriate caution. Materials that bear the CL seal should be used only by those persons who are able to read, understand, and follow suggested safety precautions for handling those materials. The Caution Label signifies that although the product contains a toxic element, it can be handled safely if the directions on the container or packaging are followed. Many such art products cannot be made non-hazardous, but are necessary for certain creative activities. When used in properly supervised and controlled conditions, they can be enjoyed with complete safety.

Many of the materials we sell are not reviewed by ACMI. We feel that it would trivialize the health and safety issues in the arts if we told you that trimming tools are sharp and kilns are hot. Our goal is to identify hazards that might not be known to our customers, and where possible, to identify safer alternative products. We also seek out products that promote health and safety in the arts, and we urge our customers to use them.

Some art materials manufacturers are not members of ACMI; this is particularly true of foreign manufacturers. Always read labels and instructions, and follow the manufacturer's guidelines for safe use. Young children should always have careful supervision when using art materials. Think of safety issues before you allow children to visit your studio. For products that do not have ACMI certification, we sometimes include a specific cautionary label of our own.

ACMI labeling indicates that a product has passed through a vigorous review process. Absence of the ACMI caution label does not indicate that a product is safe for use by children. Please read all labels and instructions before using art materials. Be an informed customer. We try to inform our customers of important health and safety issues, and we invite your comments on this issue.