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K5 Densite Plaster

Product Code: K5


ProductDescriptionPriceQuantityExt. PriceIn Stock?  
K5-2525# K5 DENSITE PLASTER$26.9500 $0.00 No
K5-55# K5 DENSITE POTTERY PLASTER$10.5000 $0.00 No
K5-5050# K5 DENSITE POTTERY PLASTER$39.9500 $0.00 No

Name K5 Densite Plaster
Description Use Consistency (cc/100gms) Vicat Set Time (minutes) % Set Expansion Dry Density (lbs./ft3) Expected Compressive Strength (PSI)
Extremely hard, low porosity for casting, sculpting and case molds. Use in either straight-pour statuary or solid forms — with predictable success. Neutral low consistency base material. It contains no accelerators, retarders or additives. Used as a basic ingredient in dental stones, investment plasters, etc. Blend with a molding plaster or other general-purpose plaster to increase strength. 34 - 35 15 - 25 0.300 - 0.325 102 - 104 7000 - 8000