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White Sculpture Cone 05 Clay

Product Code: CLWSD
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Name White Sculpture Cone 05 Clay
Description A well-blended, coarse clay body. Excellent for sculpture and hand building. The addition of fine grog does not preclude its use in the wheel, but lends strength and porosity to the body as well as minimize shrinkage. Fires to a cream-white color.
Temperature Range Fires Between Cone 06-5, 1828-2167° F
Shrinkage Cone 05 - 6%, Cone 5 - 9.2%
Absorption Cone 05 - 13.2%, Cone 5 2.4%
Texture Very Coarse
Best Use Sculpture and Hand building
Color White/Cream White
Qualities Strong, Porous, Low Shrinkage
Glazes Use glazes cone 06 and 5.

G-Series, T-Series & M-Series
HG-Series, SG-Series, HM-Series, & NG-Series
Clay Body

NOTE: Formula change 1/15/2024.

Due to the suspension of operations at the Custer Feldspar mine and plant, we reformulated this clay body with G200 EU feldspar.

Other Information The "Glazes" section lists the compatible kinds of glazes for this clay, along with what cone you can fire to and still be in the correct temperature range for both this clay body and the particular glaze.
Warranty Because of the unavoidable variations in the natural material used to formulate clay as well as the uniqueness of each customers use, firing techniques and kiln environment, IT IS EXTREMELY IMPORTANT THAT YOU TEST–FIRE BEFORE USING IN PRODUCTION.